Level 2
since ‎Nov 14, 2019
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I want the install directory to be the [INSTALLDIR]-[ProductVersion]I'm using a custom action to do this but when I type the above in the Property Value Field it just tries to install to the [ProductVersion].I guess this might be a bug or maybe I'm m...
Hello -> asking on behalf of  Keysight Technologies,I have a software directory structure I would like to build an .msi type installer for. Is there a way to have the .msi set to a regression and to a repository so I can merge changes ect?The softwar...
I'm trying to uninstall (delete) all the files and subfolders in a particular folder.  There are about 1k of them. Is there an easy way to set this to happen in installshield 2019?Thanks,~Shane
Online status:
‎Jun 08, 2021
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