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since ‎Jul 23, 2003
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This article leads me to believe that for a "Traditional Style" Installscript MSI project only the Installation UI sequence is run: thought I read...
I have a web service install which queries the user for a TCP Port to run the service on, the default is 80. The results of that text field get stored in a custom property WEBPORT. I reference [WEBPORT] in the "TCP Port Number" under the Identificati...
Anyway to insert a CR, LF, new line, etc. into the Error Message field of an Error Custom Action or even a string property? Knowing that this text will show up in an MSI Dialog (where I read a piece of IS help saying \r, \n, etc. are ignored by the M...
Using a VbScript CA I'm trying to post a modal message box using Session.Message BUT trying to use an Error Icon or Critical/Hand Icon. No matter what code I pass into the session message record I can't seem to get anything other then the vbExclamati...
We have a Basic MSI Install that has a Logon Information dialog. The short uct key (Alt-P) on the Password label assigned to the Password Text Field doesn't seem to fire properly. It seems like the short cut takes the cursor back to the first text bo...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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