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Level 3
since ‎May 24, 2019
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Hi, I have Suite with one dependency package and one primary. I confirm agreement dialog, feature checkboxes dialog and installation starts. Dependency package requires reboot. After confirmed reboot, installer starts with dialog of agreement and fea...
Hi, I use SQLServerSelectLogin2 to get Sql Server instance from the user.Lets say, the user selects sql credentials - login and password.Is there any way (I mean simple solution maybe in InstallScript?) to validate/check if we connect to selected Sql...
Hi, I have InstallScript MSI project. Is there any way to hide or customize "Preparing install" dialog? I mean that one before welcome dialog.ThanksKonrad 
Hi, I am declaring array of custom data structure (typedef syntax). But each element is null, so I am not able to assign property value this way: myArray(0).myProp = "".When I assign myArray(0) = someVariableOfMyDataStructure as a first step, everyth...
Online status:
‎Aug 29, 2019
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