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since ‎Apr 08, 2019
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Hi,I'm working on a Suite project with 15 features -- 1 features is the base install and is required, the rest are language packs.   Users are shown a summary of the features to be installed and have the option of clicking "Change" to go to another w...
The basic questions I'm trying to answer: After changing a property in an InstallScript action, how do you update a control that displays that property value?  This seems to work if you set the property before the GUI starts, but not if you call the ...
I have a project containing a number a number of .app packages, each one installed by a speed folder. I've put the .app packages in the projects "packages" directory, then created Speed Folders to capture them and add them to the installations.There ...
I'm trying to set up a silent installer for an InstallAnywhere 2018 suite project for MacOS.  Ideally for our customers, we'd like to be able to use command line arguments to select the directory and features for installation. The solution seems to b...
Online status:
‎Jul 14, 2020
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