Hello all , Now we are working on web site with .net 4.5 , we like to set the app pool of site to 4.5 . We see option to set App pool up to 4.0 , is any update provide set app pool to 4.5 when installing web app through installsheild ...
Hello all, Is it possible to install SQL CLR object with instllashield Setup . Now we are creating A SQL CLR object (UserDefinedFunctions) for our project we like to install it on client machine on setup install and use the SQL CLR object ...
Hello All , When we create setup from Local build VS 2012 the setup created have all dll's ( we can see depended dll in install folder ) , but when we build setup from MSBuild some dll is missing . We are creating setup for WPF applicati...
hello all , We are using InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio . The link Q208466: Service Pack 1 for InstallShield 2012 Spring (http://kb.flexerasoftware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId...
Hello , Sorry for late replay . I attaching a sample WPF application with issue , it using sample theme in application and The theme dll not coming in MSBUILD build but it will come in VS build with regards ,jophy
Hello chiranjeevi, we see this error first in our main application , then i tried in sample application ( "log provided with this") both have the same issue . When we look in the dependence list it have all the dll ( including m...
Hello chiranjeevi, But orca work with setup file ( .msi or .exe file ) . That means we have to edit after building , we are using TFS build to create setup and one day our team make more than 5 build's . For testing we have t...
Hello chaitra, placing all the third party dependent dll’s in GAC make issue ( it is licensed ) and we already tried putting all dll in gac it give error when update and modification time like multiple version of dll's . Is any other...
Hello Chaitra, Sorry for the late replay , i was not talking about adding dll manually . When we have two application (ex: two WPF applications ) that to be distributed with the single setup , we put one application in in one folde...