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since ‎Jan 13, 2009
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I am making the FeatureSelectItem call from the OnBegin function. NumToStr(temp, FeatureIsItemSelected(MEDIA, "test")); MessageBox(temp,INFORMATION); FeatureSelectItem(MEDIA, "test", FALSE); NumToStr(temp, FeatureIsItemSelected(MEDIA, "te...
I am having some trouble with prompting the user with a simple custom action "Error" message.I created the error and left everything with the default settings. In my Dialog box I created a "DoAction" event and called the custom action when the user p...
As per the thread below. I am wanting to only allow the user to pick drive that the software gets installed on and not the path (E.g. X:\Program Files\MyApp). X being the only thing they can select.I think I found what I want in the Dialogs designer...
Is there a way not allow the user the ability to specify a path but allow them to select the drive that they want to install the component on? For example my application will go in X:\blah\app where X is whatever drive the user picks for that specifi...
As the title says.For example if have ANY version installed new or old, I want the installer to stop and prompt the user with a custom message explaining what needs to be done.If you are going to say "use the upgrade feature", we are dealing with bin...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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