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since ‎Jan 09, 2009
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We are using InstallShield 2009 Professional Edition. It is an InstallScript MSI project. Under SQL Scripts | New SQL Connection1 | Requirements tab, so long as I don't select "Allow installation to Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine / SQL Server Ex...
Is there a way to make the command line transparent? What I mean is, in package for the web I specify only the binary file to receive control after the package is extracted. I do not want to bake the command line for this binary at the time of creati...
While inside SdLogonUserInformation, we get 19649 - an unknown error returned from netapi. This happens regardless we enter the credential (dom\user and password) manually, or we attempt to browse the domain list to select a credential. It works fine...
My project is an InstallScript MSI project. I am trying to change the port attribute value in a channel element in a config file. Our applicatin is a .NET remoring server. The app.exe.config has . In the XML File Change I have selected this element i...
My InstallScript MSI project under InstallShield 2009 Professional is working fine with a windows service component in one of the features successfully installed with a fixed User Name and Password set in the Component's Advanced Settings | Install N...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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