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Can SVM connect to multiple WSUS/SCCM Servers?

Yes, you can!


The connection to the WSUS, or the SUP of an actively deployed SCCM server, is user-dependent. This means that the Software Vulnerability Manager will allow multiple user-connections to WSUS from the same Software Vulnerability account. Let's say, for example, when multiple admins are working at different ends of the planet through the same user login, but connected to their local WSUS instances. 

Another good example would be when you have used the same Windows account on two different systems connected to two different instances of WSUS, such as a connection to test environment to perform package tests, and the production environment to deploy successfully tested patches. We recommend the use of two separate accounts, however, as this eliminates all risks of session expiry. 

Additional Information

This can be helpful in a migration scenario where a new WSUS or SCCM is being deployed and you need to make an immediate switch between the old production server and the new one. On such an occasion, you would want to re-use the old signing certificate, but only if you can export its private key. 

If not, then you'll need a new certificate. 

SVM requires certificate and group policy integration in the domain for each server on its own. You should make sure that each WSUS instance is integrated before attempting to use SPS packaging. Ensure that each deployment server you connect to is domain-integrated with SVM. 


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Last update:
‎Sep 19, 2019 04:51 PM
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