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HOTFIX: Install Fails With Error 1001 When a .NET Installer Class Component is Present in InstallShield 2015 SP1

HOTFIX: Install Fails With Error 1001 When a .NET Installer Class Component is Present in InstallShield 2015 SP1


When an install containing a .NET installer class component is built on a machine with a certain version of.NET 4.6, the resulting install fails with error 1001.


When an install containing a .NET installer class component is built on a machine with a certain version of.NET 4.6, the resulting install fails with error 1001. The log shows that the error occurred on the .install custom action used to perform the .NET installer class install actions


This behavior is caused by an issue with InstallShield 2015.

Steps To Reproduce

The easiest way to reproduce the issue is on a Windows 10 machine with .NET 4.6.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new Basic MSI project on the Windows 10 machine.
  2. Add a .NET installer class dll as a key file of a component.
  3. Set the .NET Installer Class setting to Yes.
  4. Build the project.
  5. Install the built install.


This issue has been submitted as a bug and is pending review from our Engineering team. The issue is being tracked under issue #IOJ-1752933..

Engineering has released a hotfix that resolves this issue. In order to apply the hotfix, please do the following steps:
  1. Close InstallShield.
  2. Go to <PROGRAM_FILES>\InstallShield\2015\System.
  3. Find and rename ISWIBuild.dll to ISWIBuild.dll.bak
  4. Extract the ISWIBuild.dll from the downloaded zip to the InstallShield System folder.
  5. Open InstallShield and make sure that the path in Tools > Options > .NET tab correctly points to the v4 folder.
  6. Rebuild the project.
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Hi, We are still using IS 2014 Premier Edition SP1 and run into the same issue. In one of our setups the .NET installer class installation is failing with error 1001. If we build the setup manually on a different machine, where .NET 4.7 is not installed, everything is fine, but on our common build server, we cannot uninstall .NET 4.7. Could you please provide us a patch for IS 2014? Or is there any other workaround for this? What we have found, is that IS is generating an _isconfig.xml (c:\Users\abal\AppData\Local\Temp\{7EEBF761-FDBD-47C0-B393-ED7F18BB072C}\_isconfig.xml) with wrong .NET version, which is causing then the failure. Please take this as an urgent case as we are in the releasing phase of our software. Thanks, Attila Balazsy
Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 24, 2018 10:21 AM
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