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Level 3

pls help....

I am pretty new to packaging..
I have a application , say of version 1.0.0 which is currently installed in my machine.
now i have to install a newer version 2.0.0 which should uninstall the application of version 1.0.0
Can anyone help me on this ...its urgent..

thanks in advance
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(1) Reply
Level 7

You're in luck - it's also pretty straightforward. Now, you didn't say what type of project you're dealing with, and I'm only sure that my answer will apply to Basic MSI. If you're dealing with InstallScript MSI or pure InstallScript, your mileage may vary.

What you want is a Major Upgrade. The basic outline of the process is that you change the version number, change the product code (but NOT the upgrade code), author Major upgrade item in the Upgrades section and...voila!

I would refer you to InstallShield's excellent documentation for additional details; just look for 'Major upgrade' and come back with more specific questions as needed. Good luck!
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