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Level 7

Localization question !?


i have a basic msi project who installs some dll, exe and some xml file.

when the setup starts we can choice the language of the installation (french, en us, german, and so on).

Now i have a custom action who start a service and if this service can't start for a reason i display a message as this :

MessageBox (@ID_STRING12, SEVERE);

This id-string 12 is TRANSLATE is other language of course !

If i launch my setup in english that's work on my computer in englsh !

But if i decide to start to install my application in french on a computer english i have the message always in english !!!!!

Someone can explain me why or what i can do for to have the correct language !?

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(4) Replies
Level 8

I am not for sure but are the MessageBoxs called from windows itself then making them use the default OS language.
0 Kudos
Level 5

Maybe this could help:
Create a new Localizeable Property:
Name Value
P_id_string_12 {id-string 12}

Use this Property instead of the language table ID

To use this property in Installscript see 'Getting and Setting Properties' in the Help.

0 Kudos
Level 7

Hi both,

jchristman =>

i don't know !
in my package i have several language of installshield and all strings are translated ! but i wonder why i install on a computer italian my setup starts on italian of course BUT me i choice to install on french for example and if there is an error on installscript i receive my message in english !!!!

Stefan_M => thanks for your solution but i have many script and i think i have to spend some time to coding your solution !

If you have some other idea there are welcome 🙂

Thanks for all
0 Kudos
Level 8

If I understand you correctly if you choose to install your application in Italian the language is set to Italian and if installscript errors the message box is also in Italian on an English default language machine and if you install in French it starts up and uses French but if installscript errors it is in English on the same English default language machine.

If this is the case I would almost want to say the translation tables are not complete for the words you need to be displayed in French so it fails over to the default language of the system.
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