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Level 10

forum bug?

every time i try a search, i don't get an error or anything, i just get "" in the address bar, and nothing in the browser. What's wrong? can't make much use of a forum if i can't search it. anybody else having this problem?
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

I believe the issue is being investigated. My impression is that narrowing the search can help: Searching for just "error" doesn't always return, but searching for (say) "ActiveX error" works.
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Level 10

In the interest of providing good feedback for debugging, I was doing pretty middle-of-the-road searches involving 3-5 decent search words like "configuration" and "ISReleaseFlags" and other words that aren't "is", "and" or "or".

Incidentally, I figured out the answer to my question the old fashioned way. 🙂

Thanks for the feedback, Robert!
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