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Level 2

IIS Mapping bug?

I am encountering an issue where the application mappings I create in installshield are not actually configured if I also specify the version of the associated virtual directory.

Steps to reproduce:

1.) Create a web project
2.) Add "Default Web Site" to websites under Internet Information Services
2.) Add a virtual directory to the "Default Web Site" named "TestDirectory"
3.) In the "ASP .NET Version:" box under the general tab for the virtual directory enter: 2.0.50727
4.) Select the "Virtual Directory" tab for the virtual directory you created and click the "Configuration..." button.
5.) Click the "Add" button and specify the following information for the mapping (all other options can be left default):
Executable: [WindowsFolder]Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
Extension: .test

Now build and install the project. Check the "TestDirectory" configuration in the IIS management console and you won't see the app mapping specified above. Note that if you clear the version number (step 3), rebuild, and then install the app mapping will show up as expected. The problem is now that the virtual directory will be set to version 1.1

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

This is the result of a feature request implemented from previous versions of InstallShield. The -k option was added to the aspnet_regiis.exe command line in InstallShield 2008. When this option is passed to aspnet_regiis.exe, all application mappings are removed. We currently have an open work order (IOC-000064017) to track this issue.

To work around this behavior, leave the ASP.NET version field blank on your site/virtual directory, and use a custom action to run aspnet_regiis.exe manually against your site/virtual directory instead.
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