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Level 5

Problen related to Regedit. Please Reply

I have some problems in uninstalling my product. When i uninstall one of the component , entry in the regedit doent get removed as well as related folder from program files .
To solve this i use the Registry table and RemoveRegistry table . This has solved the service related problem but folders are still there . Also service in services.msi is present and get removed only when system is restarted.
Please tell me how to remove the folders . This is happening only with the components in which services doesnt get removed.
If anyone can help me please reply.
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(2) Replies
Level 4

You need to populate the RemoveFile table. You need two entries for each folder that remains behind after installation. One for all the folder's content with *.* wildcard and one for the folder itself.

For exact info on the exact values you fill in this table: search for "RemoveFile table" in the InstallShield 2010 help file.

Hope this helps
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Level 5

Thanx for your reply .
But When i remove key from registry using Registry and RemoveRegistry table , after that i dont want to restart my system(I can't restart my system as it is a server) . In that case what should i do.
One more thing this problem is coming on some specific systems.
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