First of all, bryanwolf thanks for your post back in 2008! It helped me a lot today in 2011!Our programmer was trying to start a service which was using a VC SXS runtime, which he was installing via Merge module and he kept getting an error about it ...
in property manager: set a property, for example, MYPROPERTY to a default empty value. Add the string ;MYPROPERTYat the end of SecureCustomProperties property in the property manager.Go to dialogs, find MaintenanceType. Go to behavior find the Next ...
ah... These command lines work on the msi that is encapsulated in your setup.exe. To give these commands to the msi through your setup.exe you need to use the /V parameter like this:setup.exe /v "/l*v c:\logs\Yourmsilog.txt"Same for uninstall.
On Basic MSI you can use Active Setup, I dont know if its possible for InstallScript projects but here goes:This is a technique for running a repair of you msi for every subsequent user that logs on the machine your msi is installed on. This repair c...
Commandline for building logfile:install:msiexec /i "Yourmsi.msi" /l*v c:\logs\Yourmsilog.txtand uninstall:msiexec /x "Yourmsi.msi" /l*v c:\logs\Yourmsilog.txtWhere c:\logs is an existing folder. If you want to run InstallShield's MSI log analyzer re...