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Level 6

MSI Equivalants to InstallScript


I'm having to work with an MSI project, which I am somewhat familiar with. I have a CA that runs some VBScript which will delete a shortcut. I seem to get it working on second installs, because the Install Exec Sequence is set to After InstallFinalize. [edit: I just realized I was incorrect. I had it set to after CreateShortcut, but realized the merge module was placing them. The help states that InstallFinalize is the last transacted step, and I am testing it now.. Sorry for any confusion]

I assume this is occurring before the merge module that installs the shortcut happens, since it works on repair.

So I guess to keep it simple, what's the equivalent of OnEnd in InstallScript in CAs?

Is there a flow chart of events for the Exec Sequence posted anywhere? I'd love to know when these sequences occur in relation to begin, end, and in relation to eachother.

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Level 6


The link you have seems dead, but I fumbled my way to:

I assume that's the info. Exactly what I needed.
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