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since ‎May 25, 2005
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Hello,I'm having to work with an MSI project, which I am somewhat familiar with. I have a CA that runs some VBScript which will delete a shortcut. I seem to get it working on second installs, because the Install Exec Sequence is set to After InstallF...
I have a problem I'm hoping someone can help with.Basically, I have an InstallScript project that configures a SQL Server setup INI file. At the end of that, it attempts to launch Setup.exe on the same CD that launches the SQL Server 2005 setup.What ...
During a patch, a possible error displayed is "ERROR_PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND".Is there a way to change that message so the user has something more useful to see?I tried the Direct Editor (Error) section and added 1642 but it didn't work.Thanks.
Is it possible to force a reboot during the install with InstallScript? I see MSI's can use a ForceReboot action, but nothing in the help or searching this forum on the subject.I basically want to install SQL Server/SP2, reboot, and then complete the...
I have an installscript project which calls a (somewhat out of date) installation for a UniVerse IBM ODBC driver using LaunchAppAndWait();On some test machines, the installer defaults to H:\IBM. It should be C:\IBM. On other machines it defaults to C...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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