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Install prerequisites are not installing

I have 32-bit and 64-bit installs built from one InstallShield project (using ReleaseFlags and different builds to keep them separate).

Over the last two builds, I have notice that my 32-bit install has stopped installing the prerequisites.  I have manually removed a couple and when I run the latest 32-bit install - they do not get installed!  But if I run my latest 64-bit they do.

The prerequisites are not OS specific and will get installed whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit but I do have a condition on a file not existing or being a lower version.  With two of them uninstalled prior - what I am experiencing for 32-bit should not be happening.

Any thoughts are welcome.  Thank you.

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(6) Replies

Hi @MattQVI ,


 You can debug this by generating the debuglog file for the setup.exe



Basic MSI, InstallScript MSI

The /debuglog parameter lets you generate a log file for Setup.exe.

To generate a log named InstallShield.log in the same directory as the Setup.exe file, pass just the command-line parameter. Note that this does not work if the Setup.exe file is in a read-only location. For example:

setup.exe /debuglog

To specify the name and location of the log file, pass the path and name, as in the following example:

Setup.exe /debuglog"C:\PathToLog\setupexe.log"

To generate a log file for the feature prerequisites in the installation, use the /v parameter to set the ISDEBUGLOG property to the full path and file name for the log file, as follows:

Setup.exe /debuglog"C:\PathToSetupLogFile\setup.log" /v"ISDEBUGLOG=prereq.log"

You can use directory properties and environment variables in the path for the feature prerequisite log file.


more information can be found at the below link:

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Thank you for the help with logging information about the prerequisite.  Unfortunately, what I found was that even though the prerequisite folder was included in the disk image, I did not see it listed when the setup.exe was run.  So the log did not contain any information why the prerequisite wasn't run because it wasn't even be included.

That itself did not make any sense because I rebuilt the disk image and the setup.exe was the same size as previous.  But this time when I ran, the I did see the missing prerequisites listed in the C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Temp\[GUID].

Is there anything else that I can check?

Would it make sense to update the properties of the OS independent prerequisites and assign them both release flags?

Thank you for your help.

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Hi @MattQVI ,


 If your prerequisite is available in the disk and it is not getting installed, you can recheck the conditions you have configured for the prerequisite. you can see the conditions by clicking the edit prerequisite for the selected prerequisite. And see the conditions are meeting in the machine where you are installing.

And check what option you are opted for "Build Location" and "InstallShield Prerequisite Location" to ensure the prerequisite is packed with the main installer setup. 


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That is the strangest part of this whole thing.

The prerequisites in question are part of the disk image under ISSetupPrerequisites.  And if i rebuild the release, they are there.  The conditions did not change either.

Build Location is set to Copy From Source Media and is InstallShield Prerequisites Location in the specific release.

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Let me clarify the beginning of my first statement. The prerequisites were always part of the Disk Image.  And if I rebuild the install, they finally show up in C:\Users\[user id]\AppData\Local\Temp\[GUID] when setup.exe is run.

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It's not that they are not installing...  after looking into this further, when setup.exe is run and extracted -- the prerequisites are missing from the folder so they can't even be installed.

Maybe I am not explaining this well enough to get a response?  This is still happening when I build with InstallShield 2015 as of May 29, 2020.

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