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Level 2

I run into the same problem

Im creating a setup package for an Excel 2010 VSTO Addin, which will be installed for all users. However when adding the path Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Vestas.PreCalcAddIn and the necessary addin keys so Excel will recognise the installed addin, I get an error when installing:

Error 1406: Could not write value Description to key Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Vestas.PreCalcAddIn. Verify that you have suffienct access to that key or contact your support personnel. I would expect to see the HKEY before "Software\". Do I have to do this another way. I am using the InstallShield Limited version. We are thinking of buying the Premier version.

Kind regards,
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(1) Reply
Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran


I am assuming you are adding the registry in the Registry view.
Try running the setup as an administrator.
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