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Level 3

Exists an event similar to lost focus

Hi all,

do you know if it is possible to call custom action on a textbox focus lost event?

I don't see an event similar to "focus lost"

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(6) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Hi @kalu91 ,


What is your use case for triggering custom action on control-focus lost event?Can't that be done via installscrpt code or something?

DoAction will be the only event which will call custom action on the specific control getting activated:

May be you can check whether you can call DoAction based on condition which will be control focus lost event




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my need is to perform a validation of the input entered by the user, once the text box is no longer activated and based on the validation result I would like to enable / disable a button. I have tried but I have found no way to understand when the control loses focus.
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any help is appreciated

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Hi @kalu91 ,


Is that the use-case something like based on text on control,enable/disable next/some other navigation control from previous dialog page?It would be better if you could share some level of the use-case how you need?




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Hi Jennifer,
I thank you for the answer. My need is for a custom action to be performed that performs a validation when a user has finished writing in a text box. so that you can disable a button located in the same dialog.

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Hi @kalu91 ,


You can achieve this via:

  • Go to behavior option of specific dialog which has the specific controls
  • Click on the button you want to enable/disable,goto to Conditions
  • Select Enable option from the list and mention the condition you want to add
  • Say your edit-field's property is MyProperty,you can add condition like MyProperty="SampleValue"
  • This enable condition will work only when the textbox loses focus




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