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Level 11

Directory Component Not Being Installed!?

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Hey There,

I have a few components that create folders in C:\users\\MyCompany\MyData.  The components do have conditions and all but one of the folders are being created successfully. I have no idea why this one component (LocalFontsFolder) is not being installed/the directory is not being created.

I've looked at the install log and compared info from a directory component that is created successfully and I don't see any differences.  I've gone through the install template and don't see anything glaring.  I've compared the actual component settings to another that is installed successfully, but nothing.

When I look at the files/folders viewer with the proper feature selected, the folder that is eventually missing, is present there.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot this beyond what I've tried?  I feel at this point it must be something obvious that I am just overlooking.

Thanks for any guidance you can provide!!


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(1) Solution

Yes I think you need an entry in the CreateFolder table if you wantr to create empty folders.

Stefan Krueger /

View solution in original post

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(6) Replies
Level 6

What's the ComponentCode of this component and what's the destination directory property?

Stefan Krueger /
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The destination is the VIEWERDATA_LOCAL directory.  Under that is FONTS1, which is the directory created by the component.

For comparison, here is a component that is acting accordingly... LocalExtractZipFolder {9BA1FD0C-9A95-4959-BFCF-A3A51FE101FC}

It's been so long since I've had a stumping issue like this that I forgot about InstallSite.  If you think it might garner more insight, I can post there too.

Thanks, Stefan!

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This is odd. The component is selcted for local installation. The destination directory is C:\Users\My.User\AppData\Local\MyCompany\ViewerData\fonts\ . However, CreateFolders doesn't create that folder. Please tell me the name of a file in that component. Are these files also listed in the Font table? To rule out that it's a font issue, could you please put a dummy text file in the component?

Stefan Krueger /
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These are just empty folders to be created.  None of the folders, the problematic or successfully created, have any content on install.

I think you may have found the issue though.  Is it as simple as adding the appropriate record in the CreateFolder table?

There has been a lot of work involving these components lately and maybe something got inadvertently knicked!

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Yes I think you need an entry in the CreateFolder table if you wantr to create empty folders.

Stefan Krueger /
0 Kudos

I think what happened was we were playing around with putting a zip file or two in there but decided against it.  I think maybe when I removed those two components, the CreateFolder table record was removed.

Seems all good now.  I didn't even think to check that!

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