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Level 3

Can you set "Merge Module Locations" programmatically?

In the Tools / Options / Merge Modules property sheet, there is a text box under "Merge Module Locations (Current User)" that contains the locations that will be searched for merge modules. Mine looks like this:

C:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\MergeModules,C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS2008\Modules\i386,C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS2008\Objects,C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS2008\Modules\i386\Japanese,C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS2008\Modules\i386\German,C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules

Is there any way to add another path programmatically, for example c:\program files\MyApp\merge modules?

Alternatively, is there a configuration file or similar for installshield that we could modify and access?

Basically, we have some merge module's that we ship as part of our product. We would like the user to be able to have these modules show up as available in their own local InstallShield IDE without having to browse to/add the path where we are installing those merge modules.

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(7) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

There are various ways to set this for builds (generally command line parameters), but if you're looking for programmatic access to the IDE's settings, perhaps just edit the registry? They should be stored somewhere under (HKCU or HKLM)\SOFTWARE\InstallShield\[version]\...
0 Kudos
Level 3

Cool. For IS2008 at least, it's at:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\InstallShield\14.0\Professional\Project Settings]
Value: MMSearchPath

Thanks Michael!
0 Kudos
Level 4

we can set the setup prerequisite file(.prq) for the installation project manually by
1. Go to installation designer Tab
2. under Application data select Redistributables
3. select setup prerequisite from object type to display combobox
4. select the appropriate checkbox to add .prq ( prerequisite) to your installation.

above mentioned is the manual process but I want to do it by automation interface.

can any body tell me whether there is automation interface is supported to set the Prerequisites for the project

we can create the object as:

but i could not find any method to set prerequisite.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Harendra,

You might have more luck by posting your question as a separate thread, since it's not related to the merge module question...
0 Kudos
Level 4

how can i create a seperate thread
0 Kudos
Level 4

how can i create a seperate thread
0 Kudos
Level 3

Go to the top level for a specific project (for Installshield 2008 it would be

There should be a button that says "New Thread" near the top.
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