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Level 4

Creating Shortcuts gives an error on execution

In my Installscript project I created two shortcuts, one in the Start Menu and the same one on the desktop.

I created the shortcuts under System Configuration and the Shortcut, I linked it with a Component whitch always wil be installed.

On execution I get an error about the syntax of the filename or pathname, setup is aborted after that error.

If I don't link it to an component I don't get either, no error and no shortcuts.

But I can´t see what I do wrong. In other projects it worked also, so why not here?

Can Anybody help me with this?
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

What is the Target of these shortcuts? Do the targets use a textsub/script defined folder that has not been set to a valid path at runtime?
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