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Level 5

Build Parameters With INI Files: How to pass "-z" parameters

Dear all!

I'm trying to setup an INI file for my installer build:
../IsSABld.exe" -i "BuildConfig.ini"

Unfortunately I cannot find out how to create INI file entries for "-z" parameters to overwrite MSI properties (e.g. -z "ProductName=TestProduct 0.3").

I already read the chapter "Passing Command-Line Parameters in an .ini File" but the "-z" parameter does not seem to be documented...

Has anybody found out how to pass "-z" build-parameters with an INI file?

Thanks a lot!
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(3) Replies
Level 5

Nobody? 😞

I'd really appreciate your help!!
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Level 10

I'm a little confused. Are you trying to pass run-time parameters to the build? Usually, the /z parameter is used to pass information to the embedded MSI from the setup.exe file at runtime.
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Flexera Alumni

I'm not aware of an equivalent to ISCmdBld's -z switch in the INI file. (You can of course modify properties pre-build using the Automation interface.)

(Kathy, recent InstallShield versions support a -z switch for ISCmdBld to set the value of an MSI property, not to be confused with the run-time setup.exe -z switch for setting CMDLINE for an InstallScript MSI project.)

If nothing else, you (meaning "everyone") can vote for this as a feature request here.

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