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Level 9

Auto-Repair problem/Question

We are performing a Major Upgrade install from one version to the next and after the install is done and we launch the app the msi auto-repair gets triggered.

We checked and the auto-repair is triggered because of a font file, that we place into the main application directory, gets turned off when it detects the one in the original installed version, but gets removed on the major upgrade.

Could anyone explain why the file gets turned off and therefore not installed in this major upgrade install?

There is no version information on this file and they are exactly the same between these to install builds. So I can not see why the file is turned off.

Is there some rule where Font files are not to be removed and therefore it sees the font file as being the same or just being installed and therefore msi turns it off as it does not need to replace the file as it would not be deleted?

I can set the file properties to always overwrite the file and it should fix this, but I just wanted to figure out the true cause as to why the file gets turned off in this major upgrade install.

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(2) Replies
Level 7

Check is you have set the component as key file for this font file.
0 Kudos
Level 9

Yes the font file is it's own component and is set as the key file.
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