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By Level 4 Flexeran
Level 4 Flexeran

With the rapid growth of cloud adoption, organizations are managing an ever-increasing number of cloud resources, often numbering in the hundreds of thousands. To navigate this complexity, FinOps practices have become essential, helping organizations identify optimization opportunities to ensure the effective and efficient use of their cloud investments.

The Challenge of Optimization Recommendations

FinOps practitioners are inundated with a plethora of optimization recommendations aimed at both rate and usage reduction. These recommendations are generated based on various parameters, such as:

  • Reserved Instances and Savings Plans: Optimal purchases tailored for specific cloud accounts.
  • Rightsizing and Termination: Suggestions based on threshold values to eliminate waste and over-provisioning.

With so many recommendations, practitioners need a way to sift through and prioritize them effectively. The ability to filter and group these recommendations by multiple criteria is crucial for identifying the most significant savings opportunities that are also the easiest to implement.

Introducing Grouping Capability

We are excited to announce that our recommendation table now supports grouping capability. You can now group recommendations by multiple dimensions such as account name, term, purchasing option, and more. This enhancement empowers FinOps practitioners to:

  • Easily Identify Priorities: By grouping and filtering, practitioners can quickly pinpoint which recommendations will yield the most savings with the least effort.
  • Tailor Views to Needs: Customize the view to focus on specific aspects of recommendations, such as by account or purchasing options, to better align with organizational goals.
  • Streamline Decision-Making: Simplify the process of deciding which optimizations to pursue first, leading to faster implementation and realization of savings.

How to Use the New Grouping Feature

To group recommendations, simply drag and drop the desired columns onto the “Group By” band. Alternatively, you can use the Group By area in the column selector to arrange your data according to your preferences.


Empowering FinOps Practitioners

With this new capability, FinOps practitioners can more effectively manage and optimize their cloud resources. The grouping functionality makes it easier to sift through large volumes of data, ensuring that the most impactful recommendations are addressed promptly.

For more detailed information on how to use these new features, please visit our public documentation page.