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If the Application Installation Detail report is not populating the Last used date, this may be due to the configuration of the application's usage period. The Application Installation Detail only collects a Last used date if the date falls in the Usage Period window defined in the application's properties page. If the date does not fit in the usage period window, the installation is considered unused, and the Last used date will not be populated.

Use the below workaround to modify the ReportApplicationInstallationDetail stored procedure and include a left join on the InstalledSoftware table.


  1. Save a backup file of the ReportApplicationInstallationDetail stored procedure using this query:
    EXEC sp_helptext ReportApplicationInstallationDetail​
  2. Open the compliance database, then navigate to Programmability > System Stored Procedures.

stored procedures.png

  1. Right-click ReportUserLicenseDetails and navigate to Script Stored Procedure as > ALTER To > New Query Editor Window.

new query editor window.png

  1. Locate the following code block:
    LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareAccessMode sam
    ON sam.InstalledSoftwareID = isw.InstalledSoftwareID​
    a. Modify theReportApplicationInstallationDetail stored procedure to include the following left join on the InstalledSoftware table:
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InstalledSoftware isw -- Check for installations
ON isw.ComplianceComputerID = cc.ComplianceComputerID -- Get all installed softwares


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Last update:
‎Aug 10, 2023 10:53 AM
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