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User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system

Hi all,

Running 11.9.1 lmgrd with an 11.9.0 snpslmd daemon. We are using an options file but our logs are nor supporting RESERVE or INCLUDE.

Is this a switch that the snpslmd guys need to set when they cut a license?? Or has anyone else seen this before?

Log File
✂ —————————— —————————— ——————————

15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option RESERVE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system
15:08:35 (snpslmd) User Option EXCLUDE not supported by this license server system

Options File
✂ —————————— —————————— ——————————
REPORTLOG +"/var/flexlm/reportlog/nygsnps-snpslmd.rl"
HOST_GROUP globalhosts 170.129.249.* 170.129.230.* 192.168.30.* 170.129.240.*
HOST_GROUP test_group 170.129.220.* 170.129.221.* 170.129.222.*
RESERVE 4 ACS:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 2 BOA-BRT:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 1 CPI-100:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 1 CTV-Interface:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 2 DC-Expert:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 2 DC-SDF-Interface:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 2 DC-Ultra-Features:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
RESERVE 2 DC-Ultra-Opt:EXPDATE=09-jan-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE ACS:EXPDATE=02-dec-2010 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE ACS:EXPDATE=30-oct-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE CPI-100:EXPDATE=30-oct-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-Expert:EXPDATE=02-dec-2010 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-Expert:EXPDATE=30-oct-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-SDF-Interface:EXPDATE=02-dec-2010 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-SDF-Interface:EXPDATE=30-oct-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-Ultra-Features:EXPDATE=02-dec-2010 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-Ultra-Features:EXPDATE=30-oct-2011 HOST_GROUP test_group
EXCLUDE DC-Ultra-Opt:EXPDATE=02-dec-2010 HOST_GROUP test_group
(2) Replies
I'm not familiar with that vendor daemon, but if there's a current license administration guide for it, it might be worth seeing if it mentions options files. For example, a web search for "snpslmd RESERVE" turns up a guide that states:

If you have PACKAGE lines in the license key file, do not specify any license checkout policies such as RESERVE, INCLUDE, or EXCLUDE in the options file for any package or its components. Packages already have a license checkout policy, and specifying any license checkout policies might conflict with the policy specified in the options file.

The RESERVE keyword should not be used in the options file especially for PACKAGEs licenses if the license has the SUITE_RESERVED option...
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I also found similar threads as well.