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Query on source license file before license checkout


We are working on feature which lets user checkout particular license by some kind of GUI in our application.
Here are the fields we are expecting to get it displayed in license form.
Feature name
Total Available license
Used license
Source of license (license file name)
Server Name
We are able to get details about all fields listed above, except Source of license (license file name). Flexlm API documents describes how to extract list of available feature and detail about license checkout status, but about how to get detail about source of feature.

Having case like same feature available on different server, and ability to check in/out particular license by Flexlm API is what exactly we are looking for.

I'd really appreciate your guidance on this.

Thanks in advance.

(2) Replies
Calling lc_get_attr with LM_A_LF_LIST should give you a list of license files being searched, but I'm not sure you can get at the specific license file a server used to provide a license. The issue is presumably that a server will pool features from different license files, after which the connection to a specific file is lost...
Thanks for quick prompt Robert.

Here is what i explored while working with Flexlm license APIs.

I learnt that lc_lic_where() API can provide the source of license file. But it fails to provide detail incase feature is not checked out from license.

Is the any Flexlm API available which can provide exact source license file for given feature if without checking out license? I tried lc_checkout() with LM_CO_LOCALTEST. But not luck even here. lc_lic_where() always points to first source license file when you have same feature listed in two different source license file!

One more question on this,
I found that using lc_set_attr(lm_job, LM_A_LICENSE_DEFAULT, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE)license_file) we can filter out license pool before attempting to checkout license. Looks like it doesn't work in case we use lc_checkout() with LM_CO_LOCALTEST.

Any one tried to get source license file information without checking out license when we have same feature listed on two different license file?
