I'm currently starting the replacement of beacons in our infrastructure and as the first step i added new becons to our on prem installation.
I can see the beacon reporting and synchronizing in UI, however i do not see it being added to the beacon list on Inventory agent devices.
I tried synching the policies and triggering updates to the agent but still it only takes the list of agent for the local registry. Is there a was to update the list of available beacon on the managed device, or do i need to redeploy all the agents?
Mar 21, 2023 04:31 AM
Agree with mfeinman's point here.
On the database, you can confirm your Beacons are present by checking the:
Table, but if it's rendering in the Beacons page of the Web UI, it should be.
As above, Agents check for policy download every 12 hours.
It may be worth checking either:
to confirm the policy download's succeeding if it's been longer than that with no update.
You can also use something like the following to target a particular Beacon with your policy download:
mgspolicy -t Machine -o DownloadRootURL=http://BeaconIPAddressOrHostName/ManageSoftDL
(Ran from either /opt/managesoft/bin, or Program Files(x86)\Managesoft\Policy Client)
Hope that helps!
Mar 22, 2023 07:21 AM
Inventory Agents check for policy updates at a random time once every 12 hours. Perhaps you checked too soon?
Mar 21, 2023 10:41 AM
Agree with mfeinman's point here.
On the database, you can confirm your Beacons are present by checking the:
Table, but if it's rendering in the Beacons page of the Web UI, it should be.
As above, Agents check for policy download every 12 hours.
It may be worth checking either:
to confirm the policy download's succeeding if it's been longer than that with no update.
You can also use something like the following to target a particular Beacon with your policy download:
mgspolicy -t Machine -o DownloadRootURL=http://BeaconIPAddressOrHostName/ManageSoftDL
(Ran from either /opt/managesoft/bin, or Program Files(x86)\Managesoft\Policy Client)
Hope that helps!
Mar 22, 2023 07:21 AM
I checked to soon it took some time to push the new beacons 🙂 thanks.
Apr 04, 2023 05:46 AM
Keep in mind agents will still retain the original boot strap server.
It would be a good idea to update all of the agents to your new bootstrap server before retiring the old one.
Apr 04, 2023 09:13 AM