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Level 3

cmd line option with % char causes website errors

hi all,

has anyone noticed this before?
i added cmd line options to the an update for logging the update installs progress, according to the install docs.

i used the syntax:

v"/l*voicewarmup \"%TEMP%\MyProductUpgradeInstall.log\""

if i do this and click on submit to finalize the message, i get asp errors from the website and it doest accept my message.

has anyone seen this before?

is there a workaround? i cannot release my patch without logging (because of isntallshield's unreliability issues) and i cant hardcode the path to a log file, for obvious reasons.
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(1) Reply
Level 7

This error, apparently related to national characters (%, &, *, etc.), is a known issue and documented in WO #1-D86J8.

This issue is currently being researched by Development.
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