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Level 2

Update Service Agent API not working properly


I am facing a starnge problem. The API IsConnectedEx or IsConnected of update service agent returns true if the internet connection is there and notification server is up.

But on my system both the APIs always return true even if internet connection is not here and the notification server is not available. It is working fine on the machine if the setup is installed freshly (i.e. no install shield product was earlier installed). It was working fine on my machine also but after frequent installation and un installation of setups this problem arises.

Any idea of what could be the reason for this?
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(1) Reply
Level 4

I happen to be experiencing something similar. I Added the ISUS.msm (version 5.1) to my project... the install is successful without any errors within the msi logfile. Calling the code to register is successful, then IsConnectedEx is successful, but then calling EnumUpdates fails to provide anything.

I created a test installer, that only references the ISUS.msm, nothing else. If I run this installer (all the same settings as the previous)... EnumUpdates magically works.

If anyone is interested I have the Agent trace logfiles of both... and have run this test on numerous machines with the same outcome. I will also provide more detailed STR.
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