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Level 4

Error while attempting to write to the database.

In my software, I have a menu item which calls AppUpdate. The program checks for updates just fine, but I also get an error:

-2147208400-Error while attempting to write to the database.

It doesn't occur everytime, but about 80% of the time. Has anyone else seen this?


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(5) Replies
Level 9

If you haven't already done so, please contact our support folks at: or via the phone.
They will be able to walk you through the process of getting debugging output from the agent to see where things are happening.

I strongly urge you to do it because they should be able to help you out fairly quickly.

0 Kudos
Level 3

ya .. i've been facing the same problem except that the Installshield Update Service wizard doesnt display the error number...
i jst get the message : "Error while attempting to write to the database"
and this error is occuring on a single machine over 20 others...
any help!!!
0 Kudos
Level 9

Pete and Pyaire,

Have you reported this to our Support folks either via phone or eSupport? If so, could you PM me the Service Request # they give you? I'm not well versed on all things client, but I would like to see the output of the trace file that they would have you collect.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you Kelly for ur concern!
but it would be really nice if smn could've helped through the community!
0 Kudos
Level 9

Hello Pierre,

I understand where you're coming from in that regard, because I'm also a customer of many, many software products out there and prefer to help myself via the web rather than go through support. However, I also know that we can only give informal advice/assistance at best on the community because the tool itself is designed for peer communication, not tracking requests and following up on issues. That requires a dedicated service system.

Way back in time I remember doing the support thing and I don't believe it'd be possible to help people via this forum mechanism. I mean it's good as a method of communication amongst the group, but it's horrible for targeted assistance. Granted, if we could make solutions to the questions available in the threads, that may help...


PS. In the meantime, you can enable a trace on the agent by setting the key in the registry. The file will then be c:\isustrace.txt and that is something which can be worked with to see.

pyaire wrote:
Thank you Kelly for ur concern!
but it would be really nice if smn could've helped through the community!
0 Kudos