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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

1300 Product Not Registered

I am getting this message when trying to invoke an update from a menu item. The strange thing is that when we run the install on a test machine, and the end of the install when it checks for updates, it says that There are no Available Updates, which means it recognizes the product code.

Here is my code:
Global Const ProductCode = "{D5795603-3751-4786-B006-A528EEC2D7D9}"
Dim pAgent As Object

Public Sub CheckForUpdates()
Set pAgent = CreateObject("DWUpdateService.Agent")
pAgent.AppUpdate ProductCode, AppMenu
End Sub

I get the same message from the command line call as well. Thanks in advance.

- Domenick Lacertosa
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(1) Reply
Level 10

Sorry for the slow response..... I am guessing you may have already solved your problem. So I will make a few general comments about the 13000 error. Please repost if you are still having problems....

13000 Product code is not registered with the local Agent.

This error has two common causes:
1. You did not include the ISUS runtime with your setup
2. You are calling the ISUS Agent from your application using a differerent product code than your setup used.

To see what product was used during the setup (and registered with the local Agent), use the ISUS Test Utility. The Test Utility was installed with the SDK. It lists products installed on a machine and the associated product codes and product versions.
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