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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

full ui launches in back of calling app

If you watch the webinar on the IS update service, you can see that "SalesView" launches the full UI of the update service (via a browser) and that browser shows up behind the SalesView app. The person demoing quickly clicks on the browser window to bring it to the foreground.

I have the same problem in my evaluation situation.

i think this is because both the fictional SalesView app and my app are both using a call to "agent.exe" instead of the COM object.

obviously, it would make more sense for the new browser window to be in the foreground.

any hints or ideas as to how to remedy this?


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(1) Reply
Level 10

I was the person giving the webinar, so I know exactly what you are referring to.

We fixed that bug in a new release of the ISUS runtime (dated Jan 22nd - version 1.21). Does your application use this new version?
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