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Default Settings:

For Data Platform/logs/*.log, the maximum file size is set to 10 MB by default.

For User Console/Logs/*.log, the maximum file size is set to 2 MB by default. 

The Rollover value is 100 by default.


When the log file size exceeds its default value, the logs will be renamed with the original log's name + timestamp, like catalina.2021-02-16.log; or add a number to the end of the file's extension, like BDNA.log.1

The backup numbers of each log can be kept up to 100 copies.

Steps to update the log file size and rollover value:

1. Stop service.

2. Open "../Data Platform/Bin/log.config" for Data Platform logs or "../User Console/Bin/log.config" for User Console logs

3. Update the value of the below nodes:

<maxSizeRollBackups value="100" />
<maximumFileSize value="2MB" />

4. Start the service.

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Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 27, 2021 03:33 PM
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