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By Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Platform Changes

  • The FROM email address in the Policy Incident emails changed to from

New Policy Templates

Changes to Existing Policy Templates

  • Schedule Reports - Fixed issue with top 10 cost categories when there is no data yet for the current month.
  • Superseded Instances - Corrected duplicate column name
  • AWS Unused Volumes - 1) Fixed issue that may prevent an AWS snapshot to be created before terminating a volume. 2) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 3) Add a parameter to override the Flexera One org ID to use when querying Optima for cases when the project is not in the same org where the AWS bill is registered in Optima
  • AWS Unused IP Addresses - 1) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 2) corrected cost for total estimated savings
  • AWS Old Snapshots - 1) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 2) Add a parameter to override the Flexera One org ID to use when querying Optima for cases when the project is not in the same org where the AWS bill is registered in Optima
  • Budget Alerts by Cloud Account - 1) Fixed AWS account name lookup bug that leads to an error, 2) Refactored Billing Center index call to return Billing Centers the user has access to, 3) Fixed the budget column heading