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A workflow status on a request can be set from various events triggered during the life-cycle of the request. When using a general catalog item in conjunction with an external system (Service Now, Remedy, etc.), it may be necessary to change the workflow status on the request, to reflect actions being taken by the external system. This article discusses the API which can be used to change the workflow status on a request.


A workflow status on a request can be set from various events triggered during the life-cycle of the request. When using a general catalog item in conjunction with an external system (Service Now, Remedy, etc.), it may be necessary to change the workflow status on the request, to reflect actions being taken by the external system. This article discusses the API which can be used to change the workflow status on a request in App Portal.


In the App Portal web service API.asmx, there is a function named UpdateActionStatus. This function can be used to change the workflow status and action status for a given request at any time..

The UpdateActionStaus API accepts three arguments, which are as follows:

1. RequestID - This is the request ID for the request which is to be processed.
2. Status - This is a string value representing the status which is to be set. For example, "Completed" might be used, which is one of the default status' available in App Portal.. Note that value is a string, and represents a status as defined for the Status column in the WD_RequestStatus table.
3. IsApplicableForAllActionsInRequest - If set to "true", then the the workflow status for the request, and the status on all actions associated with the requestID will bet set to the specified Status.. If set to "false", then only the workflow status will be set.

Once invoked, the new workflow status will be displayed for the request on the my requests page after a page refresh.

Additional Information

The API.asmx page can be accessed at http://<AP server name>/esd/API.asmx. Note that it is first necessary to enable the API by going to settings->integration, and selecting the checkbox labeled "Enable App Portal API".
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Last update:
‎Oct 19, 2018 04:51 PM
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