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[newbie-quest] "Allusers"

I made a package and after compiling it I get a message that the ALLUSERS is defined. When I delete this property in the editor it works fine for profile A and profile B. When I install it for a new user C, the program won't work.

How do I define this property so it works for all users without installing it every time? I want it to be installed once only per machine.

Thank you for your help!
(5) Replies
Ignore the message and define ALLUSERS=1, it's just a warning, or add ALLUSERS=1 to the command line when installing.
I use Allusers=2
Ths allows for HKCU settings to automatically update when a new user logs on.
ALLUSERS= not set will install the app for ONE user of the machine
ALLUSERS=1 always installs the app for all users (the installing user must have admin privs)
ALLUSERS=2 Installs for all users if the launching user has admin privs but installs for only the current user if they do not

ALLUSERS=1 allows for HKCU settings to automatically update when a new user logs on and is the reccommended option.

The reason why you get the warning is for those users who are deploying over GPO.

Also remember that, if like me, you are working in a locked down environment and most users don't have local admin privs, you must use the ALLUSERS=2 option. 😉
dhogan wrote:
if [...]you are working in a locked down environment and most users don't have local admin privs, you must use the ALLUSERS=2 option.

Surely your deployment tool is logged in as admin, no matter how your users are logged in.