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What's the best way to create a package and why?

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I've been involved in some discussion with fellow packagers about the best way to create a package in AdminStudio and the reasons behind that determination.

I have been told that Installation Monitoring can't handle a reboot - perhaps that is an incorrect statement.

I have been told that a snapshot sometimes doesn't capture everything like services and the such (although I haven't experienced this). The argument has also been made that the snapshot is tailored for the machine or build that it is taken on and [the package (msi)] may potentially fail on a different machine/build.

Could you please post your opinions on the best way to create a package and why? The package output would be an single .msi.

(2) Replies
Well I cannot give you a difinitive answer either way. I can only tell you what I try first and why.

I use the Snapshot.
The InstallMonitor does not always seem to catch child process correctly. Someone launches some crazy VB code through a poorly written custom action and your script is useless.

I would rather spend a couple of extra hours cleaning up a script than debugging an install. If the snapshot is to ugly or doesn't work after massaging, then I try install monitor.

Just my 2 cents.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
You need to package off the cleanest machine possible... a simple OS with no virus scanner, no Office, etc loaded.

This ensures the snapshot will capture everything.

I also think it is good practice to also launch the application PRIOR to the "after" snapshot to really be sure you have captured everything.

Unless the software involves hardware drivers of some sort, it is pretty rare for it to fail on a different machine.

Now, different builds of machine images (ie. Finance Build, Developers Build, Marketing Build) etc. that can cause issues..hence the need for the cleanest machine possible....