I am very encouraged. Our company has AdminStudio ver5 and VMWARE ver3. I'm doing a lot of reading and have successfully installed both on a Dell GX200/128mb RAM/hdd0 is 20gb and hdd1 is 100gb. I've configured VMware for Windows 2000 Pro, Bridged in typical install. Still not sure what is the best configuration for Vmware but I'm told that the cleaner it is the better so I took typical. Now, I'm going to try to package a simple application and see how it goes. Some of the applications that the company is interested in are not the usual, off-the-shelf: Query Analyzer, QMF for Windows, DB2, PermitsPlus. Some are already MSI applications so I'm not sure how this will work. QMF for Windows needs DB2 to work so the package has to combine both.
But, for a start, I think I'll try something small like WinZip or Adobe Acrobat 6.
One question: It appears that the focus in VMware is O/S. Does it matter how I configure it for hardware? I'm thinking that the package probably doesn't matter with regard to VMware hardware setup and it's really the O/s that makes a difference as to how it will package. Is that correct?
one other question: I understand that some of this in AdminStudio will be available in Windows 2003 server. We intend to move to Windows 2003 servers. How will AdminStudio benefit us if we do 2003? Anyone reviewed the packaging side of Windows 2003 yet?