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Urgent ! - File Security Issue


I have a serious problem for which I cannot find a solution.

What I do is create a TRANSFORM to REPLACE 2 files in an msi package (For those of you who know Citrix ICA Client, I try to replace the original "Appsrv.ini" and "Pn.ini" files with custom ones)

I install the package without any errors (Windows XP computer)

The problem is that the 2 files that my TRANSFORM replaces do not inheritate parent permissions. The 2 files only allow Administrators to access the file.

This si a big issue since when users launch the application, the 2 files are normally copied from the original location (Program Files\Citrix\...) to their profile. They do not have access to the files and thus cannot copy them.

Am I doing something wrong? I saw 2 other posts similar to mine but no explanation or solution was provided.

If someone could help me on this issue I would really appreciate !!

Thanks a lot
(7) Replies

I would like to work with you on this issue and try to find a solution. Do you have an e-mail address?


Could you try running the setup found in the attached .zip file? Log the installation with the following command-line:

msiexec /i SecurityTest.Msi TRANSFORMS="Simple Transform" /lv* SecurityTest.log

Please post the log file generated and I will need to take a look at it.


Thanks for your reply. Please find the log file here attached.

It seems that your package behaves in the same way as mine.
The exe you added via the mst has not inherited security from parent directory.

By the way, is it normal that when you replace a file from within IS Tuner, you have to drag it twice? First time you drag the file (it seems that) nothing happens. Second time you drag it, then the file is replaced.

Well, I hope we'll find a solution.

PS: in the meantime, I have found a workaround: i imported the ini files in the mst so that they do not need to be replaced.

Best Regards,


I come back to you since I'm facing the problem again.

When I add files to a package by adding them to a transforms file, then those files do not inherit parent folder permissions.

Anyone faced that problem?

Any help would really be appreciated

I have logged the installation and noticed this:

This is the line for copying a file that was added in the transforms file:

MSI (s) (8C:54): Executing op: FileCopy (SourceName=cst23.tmp,,DestName=pn.vbs,
Attributes=34,FileSize=8209,PerTick=32768,IsCompressed=0, VerifyMedia=0,,,,,,,,InstallMode=262148,,,,,,)

And here is the line for copying a file that was in the original msi package:

MSI (s) (8C:54): Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=concentr.cnt,SourceCabKey=concentr.cnt, DestName=concentr.cnt,

The Installmode is different... Could this be the source of the problem? What can I do to solve this problem?

Please Help !!!
This issue has been addressed in AdminStudio 3.5. You can learn more about this new version at
Thanks for your replies.

I confirm that the bug is solved in Admin Studio 3.5 (beta til tomorrow 😉 )