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Running a MSI in /qb mode without using a switch at Install Time

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
When I repackage an application I would the MSI to run like an MSI package with the /qb switch even if the user double clicks it. I do not require that the user sees any of the standard dialogue boxes.

Is there any way of setting a property perhaps inside the MSI that accomplishes this?

thanks in advance
(4) Replies
Perhaps add LIMITUI with value 1 to the Property Manager in Developer (or the Property table with a direct table editor)...
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
That is Great! Got two more questions:

1. Using the LIMITUI property does that stop me from using a different switch at run time for instance the /qn. Which one will the application use?

2. Is there a similar property to force the MSI to use a external transform file?

thanks again,
I'm pretty sure you can use /qn even if LIMITUI is defined.

And you could populate the TRANSFORMS property in the Property table to point to an external transform; if you're interested, Chapters 9 and 19 of Administrator's Introduction to Application Repackaging and Software Deployment using Windows Installer cover these topics—transform packaging options, command-line switches, and such like—in a fair bit of detail. (For information, see
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks once again,

You'll never guess, but I do own a copy of this book. And I find your references to page numbers quite handy. I will try to finish reading that book, before I ask too many more questions.

thanks again for your assistance.