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QuickTime Question

I have been working on making package of QuickTime 6, and am running into a little glitch. Was hoping someone could help me out here (I am new to using Admin Studio).

I have successfully done a repackage, and have a working MSI. When running the MSI on a target machine, everything looks good. However, when I double-click on a .mov file, QuickTime opens, but does not play the actual movie.

If I then check the "File Types" information, I see the .mov key has the correct information.

"C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QuickTimePlayer.exe" "%1"

When I check the open command, and make no changes, other than clicking ok, QuickTime now works like it should.
It's as if the package installs the information correctly, but the "%1" is ignored until I look at the "File Type".

Anyone know what I am missing?
(3) Replies
An update.

I am trying to package QuickTime 6.0, on Windows XP. I spent a large amount of time playing with this problem today, and I can not get QuickTime 6, to package the way I want to, but the methods I had to use, to do this, are rather annoying. Anyone know what I am doing wrong, to make this package?

To get the movies to open and play, I had to manually edit the standard.nir file, before attempting to use Author.
I made the following change:


@="QuickTime Movie"



@="_Short(%ProgramFilesFolder%\\QuickTime\\QuickTimePlayer.exe) \"%1\""


@="QuickTime Movie"



@="_Short(%ProgramFilesFolder%\\QuickTime\\QuickTimePlayer.exe "%1")"

The only change made to those 4 lines of code, was this:
.exe) \"%1\""
.exe "%1")"

Now, it will work, BUT, the Icon is not longer associated properly. I managed to get around this, by manually creating the key, from within Author. As a finall annoyance, I see the following Key in my registry, as the one that works (why is all the hex info being added?)

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\QuickTime\\QuickTimePlayer.exe\" \"%1\""

While this does work, it is not how I expected to make the package. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
What version of AdminStudio are you using? I tried this with version 3.5 and I did not run across this issue. Instead of checking the .inc file check the Verb table via the direct editor. Does the information look correct?

The hex value you mention was most likely created by the Windows Installer. You can verify this by checking the Registry Table via the Direct Editor and see if it is listed in this table.
I am using 3.0 at the moment.

I just tried the same installation with 3.5, and that does not have the same problem as 3.0.