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Newbie-please help!

i am new to installshield and have downloaded the trial version of admin studio 6.
In the Installshield start page, when i click the link to new project, i do not have the option to create Installscript or Installscript MSI projects only Basic MSI + a few others (in Windows installer,mobile and all types)
I have trawled the help files but from what i can gather, an installscript project type should be an option or am i missing something???? If i create a basic MSI then i do have the option under project converters to convert to installscript project but surely there is an easier way.
Any help would be much appreciated 🙂
(4) Replies
That's because InstallScript is evil! (for packaging)

If you really want to use InstallScript you should use InstallShield 10.5, not AdminStudio.


If you are looking for the Installscript or Installscript MSI project types in the Editor of AS 6.0, go to the Tools | Options menu in Editor & select the User Interface tab. Here, you can check the checkbox to 'Show Installscript Project Types'. By default, it is turned off.

Hope this helps!

Mark Doeseckle
Software Quality Engineer
InstallShield Products, Macrovision Corp.
Thank you so much for the help!!! that was exactly what i was looking for but couldn't find anywhere 🙂
I would love to hear an explanation of why InstallScript is evil and how the InstallScript in 10.5 is any different then the InstallScript in AS 6.0.

I have a few minor issues with InstallScript, but none of them enough to say it's evil. And while I gripe about AS 6 always being released late in comparison to it's sister product, it uses the same editor with the same project and custom action support.
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