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MSI Self Repair


I have repackages Snagit Software using Admin Studio Standard 9.01 version.
I am using Active Directory group policy Assign Software method to distribute software to client machines. Every time I restart the client machine, it kicks off msi repair and this is what I see in the Logs
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1004
Date: 7/8/2009
Time: 5:55:37 AM
User: PALERMOS\pdsadmin
Computer: PVW11330
Detection of product '{53AB6E41-855C-4CCF-9C8C-26E45D7FE07F}', feature 'SnagITNewFeature', component '{405FFB04-05C5-4547-BE44-7069BFEEF3FC}' failed. The resource 'C:\WINDOWS\LastGood\' does not exist.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 7/8/2009
Time: 5:55:37 AM
User: PALERMOS\pdsadmin
Computer: PVW11330
Detection of product '{53AB6E41-855C-4CCF-9C8C-26E45D7FE07F}', feature 'SnagITNewFeature' failed during request for component '{7A64A390-9EBE-44E4-9466-0B6BAF9CEBAD}'

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event Type: Information
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 11728
Date: 7/8/2009
Time: 5:55:47 AM
User: PALERMOS\pdsadmin
Computer: PVW11330
Product: SnagIT -- Configuration completed successfully.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 7b 35 33 41 42 36 45 34 {53AB6E4
0008: 31 2d 38 35 35 43 2d 34 1-855C-4
0010: 43 43 46 2d 39 43 38 43 CCF-9C8C
0018: 2d 32 36 45 34 35 44 37 -26E45D7
0020: 46 45 30 37 46 7d FE07F}

Finally the application works fine but it is reinstalled every time the machine starts.. This is also happening with few of other applciations as well but not all the applications that were repackaged using Admin Studio.
(3) Replies
Hi There,

The way to handle this is to locate the Keypath of the component code referenced in the built *.msi file. Generally, I would recommend doing this by opening the *.msi file in Editor and locating the component code in the Direct Editor's Component Table.

Once you've located what the KeyPath is for the component, it should become more clear what's taking place.
have you captured this as it is already a msi?
If a file or registry key in your installation is marked as a key file and it's missing then the installation will self repair. Sounds to me like one of two things, either you have captured some Windows files that shouldn't be in your package or you have something like a log file or some kind of data file as a key file that is deleted on every launch and most likely recreated by the application itself causing a self repair. Hunt out the component in the component table with ID {7A64A390-9EBE-44E4-9466-0B6BAF9CEBAD} and see what its keyfile is. If it's a file that shouldn't be there because it has nothing to do with the application then delete it from the package, otherwise remove it as a keyfile