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Installation of Flexnet AdminStudio 7

What is the best method of install the Flexnet AdminStudio 7 pro edition? Is it ok to install on vmware sessions? I have about 170 applications to package to prepare for our Windows XP migration and I have setup about 4 different WinXP vmware sessions and I wasn't sure if it's ok on those. Please advise, thanks!
(2) Replies
Search for "Repackager Best Practices" in "FLEXnet AdminStudio Help Library", i.e. the built-in help.

Running the full AdminStudio Suite on a virtual Machine is a total waste of time. Install The suite in a "Production/developer machine". Then run the standalone Repackager over the network, as described in "Best practices".
Yeah, it would be kind of a waste to install the suite on your vm's.
Install the entire suite to a server and share out the Repackager folder. In my case it's C:\Program files\installshield\adminstudio 6.0\repackager.
Then from your clean snapshot machine run \\server name\repackager\isrepackager.exe