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IS Admin studio config

Hi all,

I have been forced to convert to IS from Wise and are having a few issues which with Wise seemed so easy.

I cant seem to find how to access the workflow tools when doing a repackage without installing the 400 install of IS.

I know there is the remote repackaging tool however that cannot access the process flow as Wise can.

is it possible to access this process workflow without installing a full version of Admin studio ?

I would not like to put 400mb of application on a machine I want to capture on as it defeats the purpose of capturing on a clean box.

any clues ? Im sure I must be overlooking a simple thing ?

If not what is IS thinking ?
(1) Reply
but you can install AdminStudio on a machine, share the repackager directory on the network. Now from your clean machine (which needs to be captured), access the shared repackager and run it. This should help if I can understand your problem correctly.

If you get a error launching Repackager from the clean machine (over the share), try this:
Search for the ISCommonHelper.dll (should be located in \Common)
Create a copy of the file and place it in the Repackager folder

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