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[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]In my installation, I need to also install a third-party application. Since it was created with InstallShield V6.x, I wrote a custom action and an InstallScript function using LaunchAppAndWait to perform the installation. It works fine on my machine but fails on others. In comparing the log files from a machine that works and one that doesn't, I see the GenerateScript item over and over in the one that works, but only a couple of times in the one that doesn't. Does anyone know what might cause this? And is that the reason the other setup fails to launch?[/SIZE][/FONT]
(1) Reply

I've yet tried to do such actions. The result is sometimes an error because of two instance of msiexec running at the same time.

Have you try a nested MSI custom Action ? I think it's the best way to resolve your problem...

Good luck... 🙂