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Command line packaging??

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to use adminstudio at command line to produce packages. :confused:
For example i would like automatically create a package at the click of one button with no user input or GUI. Is it at all possible to create silent packaging? I am aware you can make silent package that silently install but i would like to create the actual package silently.
Sarah 😮
(5) Replies
ok, so no one has replied 😞
Does this mean its a silly question, or is the answer unknown??
Any response would be greatly appriciated 😄 as i'm at a dead end
I'm using Installshield. There you can use the ISCmdBld.exe tool to build packages from command-line. May be there is something similar for AdminStudio. Did you mean this.
Yes that it what I ment but i would like to use admin studio because of all its extra features so i was hoping there would be a similar .exe for admin studio.
As of yet i have not found any, instead i have just found install shield exe files.
I have looked at ISCmdBld and the documentation states it needs to be a .ism file, the package which needs to be crated will have files with different extension types. Is it correct that only .ism files can be included??
If so, do you know of any way to change files to a .ism file extension?:confused:

Thanks for your help
Sarah 😮
I'm sorry, but I don't know AdminStudio (I'm using Installshield 2008). What types of files does it produce? Looking to this article:, it seems to me that it produces ism files.
Best regards, H.
Pwincess wrote:
Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to use adminstudio at command line to produce packages. :confused:
For example i would like automatically create a package at the click of one button with no user input or GUI. Is it at all possible to create silent packaging? I am aware you can make silent package that silently install but i would like to create the actual package silently.
Sarah 😮

You may want to look at this:

We have been using this product now for 2.5 years and we produced over a 1000 packages.

Reg, Henno